Shaokang's Blog

A simple method to write words

I like to use voice input to write words. But I didn’t find an easy to use voice dedication program with dynamic correction. So I made this one. A java voice input interface using iflytek voice dictation with dynamic correction. This app is done solely by me.

Github Page:

Compiled version:

Code version:

Sample run:

You need to choose a language to dedicate in bash window at first. Then a window below will be pushed out:

Each button clarify what you could do clearly.


Creating configuration file and put it to the running directory

A model of configuration file as shown below:


-----special:----- is field tag, It should matches exactly as what described above.

Special field:
  • BAIDU_APP_ID/BAIDU_SECURITY_KEY: Need register Baidu translation API at here. No need to register if you don’t plan to use translation function.
  • IFLY_APP_ID: Need register with Ifly at here. No need to register if you don’t plan to use voice dedication function

Compile & run

Download from release page or compile from source.
Download from release page:
  1. Choose correct library to download and download VoiceInput from release page
  2. java -jar VoiceInput.jar
Download and compile from source page:
  1. git clone
  2. cd VoiceInput
  3. find -name "*.java" > sources.txt : Find all java files to compile
  4. mkdir bin
  5. javac -d ./bin -cp ./\* @sources.txt
  6. cd bin
  7. java -classpath ./:../json-jena-1.0.jar:../Msc.jar Test

Special notes:

It requires oracle java 1.8(openjdk on linux) or above
