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Are Python Type Hints helpful in competitive programming?


Type hinting, which is a way to statically indicate the type of a value in the code, was introduced in Python 3.5. Before Python 3.5, python was a dynamic language in which variable type can only be inferred during runtime. Competitive programmers(CP) are a neglected group of people who need to solve algorithm challenges as fast as possible. In this project, we are trying to assess if using Type Hints is helpful for competitive programmers. We conducted a pilot study with 5 programmers from different backgrounds, 1 of them only provided interview data. We found that type hints may not be useful for CP in Python, and autocomplete suggestions are often not good enough to be accepted. The survey indicates that People also dislike type hints in Python for CP tasks. Keywords: Type hint. Competitive programmer. Python. Autocomplete.

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Competitive programming (CP) is the sport of solving algorithmic puzzles. The International
Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is a global CP contest for college students. ICPC has been
around since 1977 and its world finals is highly competitive. Successful contestants must possess
different kinds of ability to be able to succeed in CP competitions. On one hand, participants have
know a wide variety of algorithms and tricks, so that the program written solves the task correctly
and executes within the given time and space bound.On the other hand, the participants must be
able to implement programs fast, as they are competing against each other in real time.
Coding interviews questions are often an easier version of CP puzzles, tech companies use these
questions to evaluate software developer applicants’ proficiency in algorithms and programming. Although
it is not competitive, interviewees are still required to be able to come up with a correct
algorithm, and produce bug-free code in a short amount of time.
Historically, Python is not used or taught as a competitive programming language. Python is an
interpreted langauge, and is slower in execution compared to compiled programming langauges such as
C++ and Java. For this reason, Python is often ignored when it comes to competitive programming,
where execution time and space is limited. The appearance of the JIT compiler pypy reduced the
execution time of Python scripts by 5 time compared to CPython [1], which makes doing competitive
programming in python a possibility. We observed some advanced competitive programmers switching
to Python for easier problems for its expressive syntax and easy to use library.
Another difference between C++ and Python is the type system. While C++ is statically typed,
Python is a dynamically typed. In Python version 3.5, type hints are introduced for Python. Programmers
can annotate variables and functions with type information. Some tools, including the Pylance
extension in VSCode, are able to utilize type hints to provide type checker support and generate more
comprehensive autocomplete suggestions, effectively making Python statically typed [2].

a : int = 0
def isLower(a : str) -> list[bool]:
return [c.islower() for c in a]
There is a lot of resource on the different algorithms used in programming contests and interviews,
including online judge Codeforces [3], interview preparation site LeetCode [4] etc… There are also
research about how to effectively teach these algorithms [5] [6]. However, the topic of implementation
speed is rarely talked about. In this paper, we focus on how Python type hints affect the speed in
which competitive programmers implement algorithms.
In this paper, we conducted a study on the research question:
RQ Is Python Type Hint helpful in competitive programming?

Based on this research question, we are specifically interested in the following sub questions:
RQ1 Does type hint help contenstants complete problems faster in CP?
RQ2 Does type hint help contenstants do first-time implementation faster in CP?
RQ3 Does type hint help contenstants debug faster in CP?
RQ4 Do autocomplete suggestions help when type hints were added in CP?
RQ5 What is the sentiment towards using type hints, type checker, and autocomplete suggestions in
We designed and conducted a 2-by-2 pilot experiment with four participants. Then, we observed
the effect of different aspects of typing in Python on the programmer.
Section 2 will introduce the method of the experiment. Section 3 will present the results from the
pilot experiments. Section 4 will mention the limitation and threats to validity of our experiements.
Section 5 will discuss and interpret the results in detail.

This section will breifly talking about structure of the study and the working environment of our
study. A sample material, contains all paper material for one participant, is available at sample study
material. The algorithm challenge question statement and strater code is available at question list
2.1 Recruitment process
As a pilot study and limited by the time scope, we didn’t do a formal recruit process. But we
still try to find people who meet our traits below: a) Collegestudents/recent graduates. b) Have a
Codeforcesrating of 1200 to 1500 or ”equivalent” Leetcoderating per problem count. c) Did algorithm
challenge (Leetcode/Codeforces/etc) in Python before. d) familiar with python. e) Have not used
python type hint before. f) The current primary language is python. This study is designed to send
pre-study questionair and recruit from Codeforces/Leetcodeplatform, ICPC Clubs, LeetcodePractice
To assure participants meet the requirement, we provide a pre-study questionair, which includes
some python coding questions, like correct python codes, generate expected output. And some
questions asking about their experience with python.
2.2 Study Procedure
Entire procedure at a glance Fig. 1 shows the basic procedure for the entire study. An experiement
is a 15 minute algorithm challenge and participants need to finish it on our provided platform. They
are able to read question and understand algorithm before they click start. At the very beginning
of the study, participants are required to 1) Install Zoom, Chromium based browser, Tampermonkey
extension for Chrome 2) Install survey-helper Tampermonkey extension 3) Join the provided link. 4)
Install the survey_helper VSCode extension and configure the submission endpoint in settings.
Training Problem A training problem will be provided in this part to help participants get familiar
with our study environment, which is built on top of VScode, refer to Fig. 2 for more info.

Condition 1 experiement An experiement where using type hints
is not permitted. Any function related to type hints will be turned
off. We are going to provide a strater code which doesn’t have
any type hints as well. Pylance type checking mode will be set to
Type Hints Training In this part, we teach what is the type hints
and how to use the desired features. We also provide one warm-up
questions at the end for participants to practice before the formal
Condition 2 experiement An experiement where using type hints
is permitted. We are going to provide a strater code which type
hints. And Pylance type checking mode will be set to ”basic”. And
participants are required to resolve all type checking warnings
In the actual study, condition1 and condition2 might be swapped
to reduce learning effect.
Semi-structured interview This interview contains around 10 questions
to let participants talk about their experience and feelings.
The detailed questions list can be checked from our sample study

Workspace Fig. 2 shows a sample participant screen. When participants are ready, they can click
the start button. During the study, they need to press test/submit button in multiple places to send
their code to our server and judge. The server result will be printed in the ”survey-helper” output
channel in their working space. Participants will receive notifications when there are 5 minutes left
and 10 minutes left.
Once 15 minutes time countdown finished, workspace will do a final submission and workspace will
be closed automatically. A new window will pop out for participants to download the recorded data
from their local browser. And we will kindly ask participants to send data back to us. Participants
always have the right to check the recorded data before sending to us.

Questions selection and arrangement As a competitive programming challenging, algorithm challengings
are the core. For all problems, we follow icpc problem format and select simple (600 1000
CF rating) but require non-trivial work (e.g.use special data structure) to complete. We will provide
enough challenges that the participants won’t be able to finish in the 15-mins time window. Because
we are assessing type hints’ usage instead of really challenging participants, we also provide tutorials
for each question, which might include text/pseudocode. So participants won’t get stuck if they don’t
know the answer. In order to make sure participants want to finish as much question as possible, we
provide incentive for each successfully completed challenge.
In terms of question arrangement, We gave each participant a different question configuration to
reduce the problem difficulty effect. We also reordered the questions to avoid learning effect. Table.
1 shows the actual question order participants was doing.

Function signature In the experiment, we want to assess a situation where people need to manually
type type hints to reach functionality related to type hints. The intuition of doing this is that we are
kindly considering whether type hint is useful under a worst case scenario, where participants need to
manually type it. In most cases in the real world, people have the ability to reach some intelligent
tools, such as pylance, which will infer some types automatically in the background. Sample provided
function signature’s different is shown in Fig. 3.
In order to enforce participants not using any type hints in condition1 and using type hints in
condition2, we provide different function header for each part for the same question. For condition1,
we want to simulate an environment with the minimal intelligent typeinference. We observed that
removing type hints in the function signature greatly reduces Pylance’s ability to infer types. By using
this way, we minimize variable-relevant autocomplete. In part2, by adding type hints in the function
signature and permit participant to use type hints, we can observe if type hints is useful.
class Solution:
def arrayMedium(self, arr):

class Solution:
def arrayMedium(self, arr):
# Write your solution here
return 0
class Solution:
def arrayMedium(self, arr: list[int]) -> float:
# Write your solution here
return 0

Figure 3. upper: method signature for condition1 (without type hints) lower: method signature for condition2
(with type hints)

Data Collection
Fig 4 shows the data collection flowchart of our study. During the study, participants need to connect
to our provided judge server to test and submit their code and the judge server will record test
and submit actions and the corresponding results. Zoom will do a video record to record the entire
study. The locally tampermonkey extension will record keystrokes, clicks and autocomplete suggestion
status. In terms of the recorded keystrokes, we are most interested in the keypress in Table. 2 with
autocomplte observed.

Data analysis
Quantitative : The majority of quantitative data comes from the recorded data during the experiments,
we also consult video recording when we find abnormal events. We use java, python, excel to
categorize, analyze, and plot the recorded data.
Qualitative : The majority of qualitative data comes from the semi-structured interview conducted
at the end of the entire experiment, we also consult video recording when needed. This study is
designed to be using semantic analysis by first generating codes from participants’ transcription. And
then categorize, summarize over all codes. Due to time constraints, we generate codes and themes
mainly from notes we took during piloting and look at the transcription when needed. Transcription
is generated by Zoom, Microsoft Service, and iflytek. We corrected some errors in transcription using
video recording.

Since we only have 4 participants, none of the quantitative results are statistically significant. But we
can still see trends from them and infer potential next steps.
3.1 Participants
We recruited 5 participants for the experiment. Their experience background information is shown
in Table 3. P0 did the experiement before we implemented the data collection mechanism, so the
experiement results will be discarded for P0, we will only use the interview results from P0. We
collected quantitative data from P1, P2, P3, and P4, which will be presented later.
It is unfortunate that we did not recruit competitive programmers who mains in Python. Instead,
P1 and P2 are both competitive programmers who mains in C++, while P0, P3 and P4 have less
experience in algorithm puzzles, but more experience in Python.

Quantitative Result
Figure 5 shows the timeline of observed activities from the experiments. The top half is result from
Condition 1. The bottom half is result from Condition 2. The horizontal coordinate is the time of the
experiement. The vertical coordinate is the 4 participants. Background color signifies the problem
they are working on. Vertical lines are test and submit actions, and color represent the judge verdict.
Markers in the middle on the center lines are instances of autocomplete suggestions, where different
marker represent if participant reject, accept, or ignored the suggestions. Using the result, we tries to
answer the following research questions:
RQ1 Does type hint help contenstants complete problems faster in CP?
RQ2 Does type hint help contenstants do first-time implementation faster in CP?
RQ3 Does type hint help contenstants debug faster in CP?
RQ4 Do autocomplete suggestions help when type hints were added in CP?
Given the research qeustions, we gathered corresponding information from the raw data and
presented in Figure 6.
A Completion time
Completion time is the total time used to implement the algorithm correctly. It is represented by
the total amount of time taken to receiving an “accepted” verdict. Figure 6b shows the completion
time. Data suggests that Condition 1 has faster completion time.
B First-pass implementation time
We hope to see if type hint influence how fast a programmer write their first version of code.
First-pass implementation time is the time to program the initial version of the solution. We used
two quantities to approximate the first-pass implementation time: the first test time, and the first
submit time. Both of them are presented side-by-side in Figure 6c. As we can see, the first pass
time is generally higher for Condition 2 than Condition 1.
C Debugging time
Debugging time is the time used on debugging. We used the time from first meaningful test to
problem completion to approximate the debugging time. The first meaningful test is determined
by looking at the code they tested. If it is very clear that an early test is on an incomplete code,
then we discard this test and consider the next test as first meaningful test. Figure 6d shows the
debugging time. The result is inconclusive. It seems that for problem B, Condition 1 has higher
debugging time. And for problem G, Condition 2 has higher debugging time.
D Autocomplete acceptance ratio
We want to study the usefulness of autocomplete suggestions. Autocomplete acceptance ratio is
the ratio of the count of accepted suggestions to the count of all given suggestions. Data is shown
in Figure 6a. The acceptance rate is generally low. The highest acceptance rate is 17.07% from
P1 in Condition 2. The acceptance ratio is also generally higher for Condition 2 than Condition 1.
3.3 Qualitative result
This section contains the result from the post-study interview. We answer the research question:
RQ5 What is the sentiment towards using type hints, type checker, and autocomplete suggestions in
We summarize codes from notes taken from the interview, and refer back to the video recording of
the interview when needed. The following are some common topics we found.
A Autocomplete Suggestions are sometimes annoying
P2 suggests autocomplete is distracting, “When you are thinking about complex problems, [autocomplete
suggestion box] popping up may disrupt your thinking.”
P2 also suggested that autocomplete boxes interfere with the action of inputting end-of-line character.
Usually, one would press enter to get a new line. However, when autocomplete is up,
pressing enter will accept the autocomplete, instead of giving you a new line. You’ll need to either
reject the suggestions beforehand, or erase the extra characters that autocomplete give you.
P0 and P4 suggest there is no impact of having autocomplete or not.
From the recording, we know that P4 is the only person using arrow key to select elements. In

Figure 5. Timeline of observed activities legends as below:
Background color: aliceblue as Problem A, lavender as Problem B, lavenderblush as Problem G,
Test/submit actions: vertical dashed line as test, vertical solid line as submit, vertical green line as Accept,
vertical orange line as Wrong answer, vertical red line as Runtime error,vertical yellow line as Crash,
autocomplete status: Yellow triangle as Ignored, Green dot as Accept Red cross as Reject

condition 2, they used arrow key 3 times but ignored or cancelled at last.
B Autocomplete Suggestions is useful for completing variable names
P1, P2 and P3 all suggested that the suggestions to complete variable names are good. However,
P2 pointed out that for short variable names, the autocomplete suggestion won’t show up, an thus
autocomplete is useless in this case. They also pointed out that a lot of people write short variable
names in CP contests, which seems true from a quick scan over a few Codeforces submissions
from high-rated contestants.
Based on our video observations, most of autocomplete acceptance also happens at completing
variable name.
P1 and P3 gave a positive feedback for autocomplete. But data showed that only P1 have a high
acceptance rate. P1 tends to have longer variable name than P2. And P1 seems not familiar with
python syntax, as in our notes.
Even though P3 suggests autocomplete is useful during interview, considering the relatively low
acceptance rate, 2.85% in condition 1 and 7.21% in condition 2, their feeling might not accurate.
P4 and P0 says autocomplete has no impact.
C Writing type hints wastes time
P4 suggests Type hint syntax is weird: “So to tell the truth, the only thing I feel uncomfortable
about is that its syntax is very strange.” They say it’s different from the typing syntax in C++
and Java, which are their main langauges at work.
P3 suggests that typing Type hint is a waste of time.
P2 didn’t need to use any type hints during the experiement.
P1 also thinks type hints wastes time. “But during the competition, you may not want to use type
hints. If you spent time on writing types, you may lose your time advantage [in using Python].”
P0 suggest writing type is okay but changing type is boring and time-consuming: ”If you are just
writing this type [for once], it’s OK. It’s not a waste of time.” and ”But I think, especially just
now, for example, if I want to change [the definition of] one [variable], […], I have to change its
type hint again when I come back. This is very troublesome.”
D Investigating type error wastes time
P4 suggest that using type checker in a limited time condition is wasting time.
P2 suggest that they only use the type checker when they are finding the specific position of
some bugs, “OK, but for type checker, […] If there is a compilation error, you can enable [type
checker] and take a look at it. However, I usually disable it when writing code.” He give the reason
that investigating an error is time-consuming and maybe not worth it, “For example, if [the type
checker] gives a warning, I will be drived to read it. After reading it, I find that it is actually is a
false alarm. This wastes time.”
P0 suggest when using Pylance, type checking with ”basic” mode might be better than ”strict”
mode. And ”basic” mode is better than no type inferrence at all.
E Being “Pythonic” is important
P3 suggests type hints feature for python is not meaningful compared with other programming
languages, ”Python plus Type Hint is a strictly worse than using a statically typed language like
P4 recommends ”Python is just used for scripting and rapid prototyping.”. He also suggests that
Python is a scripting language instead of a “formal” one. So, people shouldn’t make it strictly
F Project scale affect whether type hints are useful
P3 suggest debugging in this length of codes may not appeal the fancy part of type hints, saying
”Small tasks can be debugged with repeated test runs instead of typing. ”
P0 argues that people are able to remember the detailed information of each variable easily for
a task we provided, ”I can remember all the type information for tasks of size [similar to these
algorithm puzzles].”
Upon review of the interview recording, all of the participants, in one way or another, mentioned
that type hints might be useful for larger projects.

Computer resource limitation
An interesting point brought by P2 is that their own laptop is not fast enough for type checkers
to respond in real time. The delayed messages and suggestions are annoying and interrupt his
thinking, so he turns these features off while coding on the said laptop.
4 Limitations
Every study has limitations. Describe any threats to validity in your study. This section may be brief;
perhaps just a paragraph.
Except small sample size, we identify several other threats to internal validity of the study.
Participant Background We wish to recruit competitive programmers with similar experience (preferrably about Codeforces
rating 1700) competitive programmers who mains in Python. However, we cannot find such a
person. Thus, the results might be bias due to participants lower familiarity with algorithms or
Python. In fact, in Figure 7, we categorize participant in terms of their algorithm proficiency, we
see that the competitive programmers are much faster in completing the tasks.
Even if we could find Python competitive programmers, they still need to learn to use Python Type
Hints. Since experience is an important factor, we would ideally want to perform the experiments
with participants who are very familiar with type hints. We can achieve this through a more
long-term experiment.
Task Selection We selected relative easy problems compared to real CP contest tasks. Thus, our results cannot
be generalized to more complex problems.
Environment Setup Our environment setup is quite different from the one used in CP or interview. Participants often
use different editors and tools, but we only provided VSCode and Pylance.
Compared to CP contests, we handle input/output differently. CP contests require contestants
to read input from stdin and write outputs to stdout, adding two layers of text manipulation.
Compared to interviews, as P1 and P3 suggested, we are giving participants access to tools that is
normally absent in coding interviews, like autocomplete and type checker. P3 purposefully turns
off autocomplete and type checker when practicing coding interview to simulate real interview
Variety of Bugs We gave participants an entire algorithm puzzle to do. It is unpredictable what kind of bugs will
be introduced. Even though we required the parcipant to understand the solution algorithm before
starting the timer, they might still waste time on logical errors that is unrelated to typing. We
might be able to reduce the threat by choosing debugging tasks. However, CP is a comprehensive
process. Debugging other’s code might be very different from debugging the code that one wrote
5 minutes ago. We kept the monolithic task structure to keep it true to the nature of CP. Other
methods need to be taken to reduce this validity threat.
Ignored Suggestions Most of the autocomplete suggestions are ignored instead of rejected by pressing the escape button.
However, we treated ignored suggestions the same as rejected suggestions. P1 suggested that
autocomplete suggestions have a guidance effect. While they might not press enter to accept a
suggestion, they would look at the suggestions and type-copy what he thought was the correct
token to use. It is not known if other participants are doing the same without noticing.
5 Discussion
Interpret your results. Why do you think you found what you did? Were there any surprises?
The quantitative result is not so convincing due to the nature of the small pilot study. We don’t
have a statistically significant sample size to say things for sure. We also lost some data since our
judge server crashed on the experiement given to P4. If we ignore the limited sample size, we can
infer the following about the research questions:
RQ1 Type hint does not help reduce the overall coding time in CP.
RQ2 People wastes time on using type hints even before debugging.
RQ3 The result about effect of type hint on debugging time is inconclusive.
RQ4 Autocomplete is often ignored. But its usage is higher when used with type hints than without.
From the interview results, we can infer the answer to the fifths research question:

RQ5 Contestants dislikes type hint and the type checker during competitive programming. They have
mixed feeing towards the autocomplete feature.
It is interesting to see that type hints are not helping people in CP problems.
We originally assumed that people would take longer to program in the first pass since they need
to figure out the type of hard-to-infer types and type it out. We also expect programmers to easily
find and fix some bugs related to types as they were coding the first time since the type checker give
red underline to parts that doesn’t type check. This is confirmed by our experiement.
We also thought that it would take less time for programmers to fix their program after testing their
program, since the bugs related to types were eliminated in the first-pass. However, our experiement
result neither support nor deny the claim. Upon closer look at the submission data, we found that P2
did not encounter a bug when coding problem B in condition 2. Participants all encountered bugs in
one way or another in other cases. P2 is one of the ICPC-NAC participatns, who is very familiar with
B’s algorithm. It is not suprising for him to not have a logical error in this case. If participant B were
to encounter a logical error in problem B, his debugging time will increase and our result might be
different. We might conclude that “Type hint does not help with debugging time.” This is suprising
to us. But at the same time, none of the participants are familiar with python type hints, so maybe
the cause is not type hints itself, but the experience with it.
The result for autocomplete shows that the VSCode feature has a lot to improve. It is not giving
the wanted suggestion at the right time. Some participants expressed negative opinion towards it
later in the interview, because of its intrusive property.
The interview results largely confirmed the results from the qualitative data, that it is not advantages
to use Python type hints in competitive programming.

Future Work
We have to discuss what is actually worth studying before we dive deeper into the field of CP. In lower
levels, people benefit from learning some basic data structure and algorithms. Higher level CP might
just be a niche sport that might not be so beneficial to optimize for. It might not be completely worth
it to study the tools and programming languages just to improve the efficiency by a bit. We have
to evaluate the benefit of doing such studies. As discussed in limitation, we might need to perform
long-term experiements to fully determine the affect of programming langauge or tools on CP so that
the participants have enough experience with the tools they are assigned to. Long-term experiements
costs more and should be weighted more carefully.
To continue studying about tools and programming languages for CP. Firstly, one could improve
this experiment and by considering the limitation described in the previous section, find ways to reduce
the threats, and apply it to other scenarios.
As we observed before, the ratio of autocomplete suggestions being accepted is very low. One
might carry out additional studies about the tool to investigate what kinds of suggestions have a
positive impact on competitive programmer’s efficiency.

Although we studied type hints in Python, it is not clear at all if people should use Python in CP.
Additional study on topic of “programming language choice for CP” can be done before we dig deeper
into Python.
7 Conclusion
Summarize what you learned.
In this paper, we designed an experiment to verify the research question
• Is Python Type Hint helpful in competitive programming?
We pilotted our experiment with four participants, and found that
• Python Type Hint might not be useful in competitive programming.
• Programmer dislike type hints when doing competitive programming tasks.
We also found some potential issues of the VSCode editor and Pylance extension:
• Autocomplete suggestions are not accurate and often ignored.
• Autocomplete suggestions is sometimes counter-productive.
Lastly, we identified the limitations of our work and suggested some directions of future work
about tools and programming langauge use in competitive programming.
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