Shaokang's Blog

My name is Shaokang Jiang ([email protected])

I am a Master’s student from Deparrment of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego and located in San Diego, CA currently. Individuals across various disciplines often struggle both with programming and learning to use modern software effectively. For example, Java’s inheritance increases code reusability but may also be challenging to learn. My observation of programmers experiencing confusion while programming in my previous research and teaching experiences collectively drives my passion to continuously enhance the programming environment. This motivates my pursuit of a Ph.D. in software engineering, human-computer interaction, and programming languages. In the short term, I’m focused on applying HCI concepts to enhance programming experiences and exploring language features for industry benefits, while my long-term goal is to make programming accessible to diverse groups through interdisciplinary tools and addressing cultural and policy considerations. For details of my skills and work experience, see my resume.

Hi there, I’m Shaokang 👋

  • 🔭 I’m currently a Master’s student in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego
  • 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]



Java    Python    C    HTML    CSS    Javascript    Jsp    Git    Latex    GAMS    Markdown    React    React Native    Expo   bash    ejs


Windows   Linux   SQL   Github   Cloudflare worker/wrangler   Azure   JIRA   Trello   DevOps   Agility   Watson   dialogflow   bash  Adobe XD  Bitbucket

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I am going to share something I know and something I find in this website.

All articles except special notice in this blog is written by me.

I used to plan to build a blog system on my own. I don’t have enough time to do this. So I choose Hexo.

Thanks for Xiaoliang’s guidance of using Hexo, which is a great tool and saves lots of time while building a personal blog.

Theme for this blog is Material-x.
