This is a project done for capital one to teach college students about financial stuff. Below is the design specification and schedule done by me that the entire group follows at last, including tools in using, website structure. Refer to the Publication of Financial website to know the final product of this website. This design specification is done solely by me with improvement advice from group members. This design contains my experience from multiple sources in the past few years, the final product is intended to be a well-performances, useful, containing academic value product.

In a system where multiple types of energy source exist, running all components at all available times could be a waste by considering multiple different factors, including the device depreciation, normal energy in maintaining the entire system running. This waste is a significant factor when lower wind for wind producer happen, or lower light for light producer happen, or other stuff.

This is a javafx based energy running simulation simulator with choco-solver to find optimal threshold, which will be used to determine the time to turn on the device and time to turn off. It contains methods to analyze history data to predict a threshold to make the entire system running as efficient as it could. After proper data is provided, system will run based on a threshold setting from user or automatically analyzed based on history data so that no energy will be wasted. This app is done solely by me.

In a system where multiple types of energy source exist, running all components at all available times could be a waste by considering multiple different factors, including the device depreciation, normal energy in maintaining the entire system running. This waste is a significant factor when lower wind for wind producer happen, or lower light for light producer happen, or other stuff.

This is a web based energy running simulation simulator with jsLpsolver to find optimal threshold, which will be used to determine the time to turn on the device and time to turn off. It contains methods to analyze history data to predict a threshold to make the entire system running as efficient as it could. After proper data is provided, system will run based on a threshold setting from user or automatically analyzed based on history data so that no energy will be wasted. This app is done solely by me. More details is as below:

In the final project of this course, I tried to focus on finding the correct product rating without golden set and read different papers. At last, I focused on Avoiding Imposters and Delinquents: Adversarial Crowdsourcing and Peer Prediction and write a reading report about it. The original file is in Latex, the following is the generated file. Click read more to see the detail.

A simple limitation is too less sometime. If we are using the fixed threshold, then we could simply let threshold to be the time that consumption is equal to usage. And we are not able to handle the battery capacity as well. This might not meet the real case. In the real case, equipment will use large amount of energy when they start. So the model should be able to predict. Thought wind does change everyday, but it is still some kind of predictable. So, we could train a model from the history data and then predict the wind speed in the future, like one year. We could use TensorFlow.js for training. Then Solve an optimization problem to see what would be the best time to start the engine and what would be the best time to stop the engine. Or solving an optimization problem to find the threshold to turn on or off the equipment would also better than a simple one.

Automatically add comments to Java source code

This program can not understand your code. What it is doing is to add some comments based on specific rule and make your program full of comments to meet the requirement of dummy comments required in some courses.

And actually, this program can only add comments to some specific area. For some other areas, it could detect it and send a window to ask you for comments and provide some suggestion. This app is done solely by me.