A simple method to write words

I like to use voice input to write words. But I didn’t find an easy to use voice dedication program with dynamic correction. So I made this one. A java voice input interface using iflytek voice dictation with dynamic correction. This app is done solely by me.

This project is a group work designed and solve by Shaokang Jiang & Katherine Fu for course CS524 project.

Optimization is a powerful way to solve real problem in a short amount of time. It needs us to use more math when we design solutions instead of using computing resources when the problem runs. GAMS is a powerful optimization software. GAMS could do calculation and generate equations in seconds. By using CPLEX, we are able to reach solutions in seconds. In this project, we utilize GAMS feature (dynamic sets, mip, etc) and nearly solved a real problem.


College library optimization problem

We consider a simplified example of arranging the number of students who use the college library for studying.

Common error and solution during running and building connections between EOSIO components:

Error 3050000: Action validate exception
Error Details:
inline action’s authorizing actor eosio.ram does not exist

Solution: Make sure the eosio.ram was created before setting any contracts(eosio.system, eosio.msig). It should also be created before initializing system accounts. Otherwise this error will show up when creating block producer or voter.

Some notes for Hexo

HEXO is always case sensitive whiling redirecting pages and setting up file properties(yaml).

Hexo is not good for converting table to html format. The solution is to use html format table directly.

Yaml format space in the fron is two spaces instead of a tab or 4 spaces, they won’t work: e.g.

- website
- Hexo

Common error and solution during compiling EOSIO components:

Doesn’t have boost or boost library is lower than required.

Solution: It seems the latest version of boost is not in the ubuntu package management right now. I compiled and installed it from source to solve this issue. I installed version 1.67. But the minimum version it requires is 1.57 (I remember).

wget -O boost_1_67_0.tar.gz https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/1.67.0/boost_1_67_0.tar.gz/download
tar xzvf boost_1_67_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_67_0/

Some experience on building Bitcoin local network

Basic info

Bitcoin is an client based on proof of work(POW).

Bitcoin core is a client of official bitcoin network. After some tests, I find the local network for bitcoin is good for testing wallet application but hard for testing mining function. In this page, I am going to discuss some experience of mine on building the local test environment for bitcoin core.

Compile & Installation

Some experience on building EOSIO local network

Basic info

EOSIO is an application based on proof of stake. I am going to discuss my experience on setting up the local test environment for EOSIO. The test version for EOS is 1.7 and test environment is Ubuntu 18.04.
The whole system is made up of three components in order to build local environment:

  • EOS - Main net. Basic communication

  • EOS.CDT - Developer package. API for application

  • EOS.CONTRACT - super user account setup. It store information about different user and send call to system, like create an voter account.

Following is the basic network structure of EOSIO

Hatefate website application deployed

The website made by me for my CS100 project has been deployed and works normally at This Website. In webpage browser is at bottom.

Source code is at This Github Page

This is a website made by using SQL as database and Material Theme as layout.

Function included: login via email, login via account name, register, reset password via email, set your favorites, and find people who has the same favorites as you.

Due to the reason that the domain(huangsk100.me) was expired. This website is for demo only right now. For testing, test account information is as follows: